Teaching Team Alignment for Teaching Success

An important part of getting in alignment with a new teaching team setting up for a successful school year is developing a shared understanding of the conditions which will maximize the chances that everyone can reach their point of highest contribution as well as achieve what they hope and dream for the school year ahead.
That that end, we were asked to first write down two things that we hoped and dreamed for the school year ahead with our new teaching team.
My hopes and dreams for this school year are:
Our next steps were to share our hopes and dreams with others on our team and have a talk about the possible conditions that we will all need to do our best and achieve our hopes and dreams for the year.
We drafted the initial thoughts and used these conditions to guide our agreements. It's important we've co-constructed them together.
That that end, we were asked to first write down two things that we hoped and dreamed for the school year ahead with our new teaching team.
My hopes and dreams for this school year are:
- to grow and learn together with colleagues and kids
- to provide meaningful and helpful support that enhance the learning experience
Our next steps were to share our hopes and dreams with others on our team and have a talk about the possible conditions that we will all need to do our best and achieve our hopes and dreams for the year.
We drafted the initial thoughts and used these conditions to guide our agreements. It's important we've co-constructed them together.
The Year 5 Team agrees to...
Keep it fun
Listen twice as much as we talk
Bring out the best in each other
Respect time as a precious resource
Assume we’re all giving it our best
Care for each other and our work
Be friendly