Who Am I? Who are You?
It was the first day of school for me today. It's always an exciting going back to school after the summer holiday each year. I've never actually left school. And, I love that. It's great. I was talking to my wife Palm the other day about how much I enjoy the cycle of things being a teacher. The back-to-school shopping and fresh haircuts in the fall. The bells and recess breaks throughout the days. The birthday songs and cakes too. It's all a wonderful routine. Refreshing, renewing and greatly rewarding. Each year, our school leadership always does a great job at staging things by connecting us as teachers and building our teaching community school culture of trust and identity. As part of the elementary teaching staff tuning engagement this afternoon, we were given some time to reflect on our whole-school year-long Who We Are central Idea. This reflection included representing our thinking in a Who We Are Heart Map. Simply draw a heart and represent (draw, write) what's in your heart in 5 mins. Mine is pictured here. Starting with Palm (my wife), Chester (my cat) and me in the top left, in no particular order of priority, here is a list of the things my heart map represents: Palm, Chester, Moms, Dads, Brothers, Sisters, Creation, Drawing, Painting, Carving, Time, Possibility, Wonder, Nutrition, Positive Mind, Weightlifting, 110%, Movies, Nature. That what's in my heart today. |