Discovered that our condo #gym equipment can be adjusted for a standing leverage shoulder press. It's so great! Fits me well. Loads of plates in the stack for #homefitness #shoulder #gains in the coming months. I'm a teacher. As the new school year kicks off Wednesday, #trainingtime & #foodprep will be more limited than it has been all summer. Grateful for teacher's holidays. Currently working on my #foodplan & #training #program for a new #schooldays which include more options for #strengthtraining at home. BTW, Jeff @athleanx , Thanks for all that you do. Your content, knowledge and practical application are awesome! I'm always looking for ways to train like an athlete, on my feet. #homefitness #shoulderpress #thaifitness#thailandfitness #fitfam #fitspo#workoutathome #fitnessjourney #bkkfit